Student Wellbeing
At St Joseph's we really care for our students. We work together with parents to address the needs of every child in our care. We believe children learn best when they are confident, happy and feel safe. We value every child and we ensure that all children are encouraged and supported to do their best.
We foster self discipline, respect for one another, tolerance and responsibility so that each learner progressively moves to independent self-management.
- The qualities of acceptance, understanding and love are the hallmarks of our relationships
- The qualities of compassion and care permeate our school life
- The qualities of honesty and truthfulness are valued in our school
- The qualities of justice and forgiveness are integral to our school policies

At all times staff at St Joseph's School work to promote positive approaches to managing behaviour and we endeavour to foster in students self discipline and the capacity to accept responsibility for their actions.
- Students are made aware of the rights of others to feel safe and learn
- Students learn that each action has a positive or negative consequence
- Students are expected to act in an appropriate and safe manner
- Students are given opportunities to interact with others in a positive way.
Every effort is made to ensure all students understand rules and behaviour expectations. Consequences are as much as possible logically connected to the actions involved. Parents are consulted and are encouraged to work together with the school in helping children manage their behaviour appropriately. By working together we aim to provide a friendly, safe and caring environment.
Behaviour Management Policy

Anti Bully Policy
St Joseph's Trafalgar does not tolerate bullying or harrassment. We believe everyone has the right to feel safe at all times and that we should treat each other fairly and with respect.
- Positive behaviour is reinforced
- Open communication about bullying is encouraged
- Understanding what bullying is (also what it isn't) and what to do about it
- Where appropriate a buddy system is implemented
- Provide peer support
- Support parents in their roles
Our school is a place where all people are appreciated and respected as individuals and support, encouragement and care is shown as part of our ethos. The children are exposed to a variety of programs and strategies to help them be resilient. Social skills are actively taught and children are encouraged to learn to problem solve using a variety of skills and strategies.
Antibullying and Bullying Prevention Policy
58 Waterloo Rd
Trafalgar VIC 3824
Phone: 03 5633 1151