Our School

St. Joseph’s Primary School has a wonderful community spirit where the involvement of families is continually encouraged. It is a Catholic school that also prides itself on the pastoral care that is offered to each child. At St. Joseph’s we believe children learn best when they are happy, confident and feel safe. We value every child and teachers work to build relationships with the children and actively teach problem solving strategies and effective social and communication skills.
We aim to educate our students to be skilled, informed, tolerant, open and just, to discover God and to help them reach their full potential.
We also aim to build students who are independent, can work collaboratively and are innovative in their thinking. Teachers focus on empowering students to take responsibility for their learning and behavior.
We are preparing our young people to be fully prepared for life in a contemporary and global society.
We offer a curriculum that is inclusive and allows for success. All children are encouraged and supported throughout their years at primary school. We recognise that children have different gifts and talents and have varied learning styles and we endeavour to cater for the individual needs of each child.
The school currently has approximately 104 students and a staff of twentyone. There are 5 classes. The school consists of administration block, a discovery centre in which students can go to learn art, music, Japanese and hire books from our library. We have collaborative and flexible learning spaces that are comfortable and purposeful for each level. The rooms are spacious enough for the 25 students, computers and many learning centres that they each house. Each clasroom has a large TV to accomodate the variety of ICT used within the learning areas. Each classroom has a variety of ICT avaliable to the students. All classes have access to both Ipads and Chromebooks to facilitate the students learning.
We warmly welcome you to our school and I would be pleased to discuss any further questions that you may have.

58 Waterloo Rd
Trafalgar VIC 3824
Phone: 03 5633 1151