Enrolment Information
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School is co-educational and caters for children from Prep - Year 6. We believe that the parents are the first educators of their children and have the obligation and the right to ensure an adequate education for their children consistent with their rights and obligations and with their beliefs and values.
All children participate in Religious Education classes. Gospel values of love, truth, justice, peacemaking, forgiveness, respect for the dignity of each person and responsibility for the environment permeates each area of the curriculum.
While we will endeavour to place all applicants, the following enrolment procedure shall apply, (these are listed in order).
- Priority of access to St Joseph’s School will be given to Catholic children and siblings of students currently enrolled at the school.
- Where vacancies exist within a grade, non-Catholic students will be enrolled.
- An enrolment interview with the Principal will be conducted with the parents of the prospective students.
Children may be enrolled only after an undertaking by the parents that the nature, life and identity of the school will be respected and that their children will participate in the Religious Education Program.

Children must turn 5 years of age before the 30th April in the year they are commencing school. Permission to grant an exemption is on the basis of a number of conditions which must be understood and accepted by the parents and carers. These conditions include:
- Permission from the Director of Catholic Education,
- Approval by the school given class sizes,
- Readiness of the child.
A copy of the child's Birth and Baptism Certificates must be provided. This should be attached to your Enrolment Form. An immunization certificate must be provided for all children, prior to their commencement at school, this can be obtained from your local council.
Individual interviews will be conducted for all new enrolment applicants after enrolments close. Times will be arranged by the school. A School Familiarization Program will be held in term 4 for all new Prep students.
58 Waterloo Rd
Trafalgar VIC 3824
Phone: 03 5633 1151